So. A little while ago, I unpublished everything on this site.
I decided it was time to start over, start fresh.
I began this site in March of 2008. A lot has happened since then, and I’m not the same person I used to be. I’d like to think I’ve evolved.
The last 10 years, in particular, have been hard. Really hard. Not only has that changed me, it’s changed my writing – when I manage to write. There’s definitely a mental block there and I’m working through it as best I can. Which is why you haven’t seen anything from me on that front in a while.
But, I’ve got a sort-of plan percolating as the words start to flow again and hope to push new things out again soon.
Until then, I’m relaunching this site to help get me into the habit of writing again.
No clue if anyone will see it, or if people even read blogs anymore, but I hope they do. If not, well, then, it’ll still help me get words out the door again.
Welcome back.
Note about the picture: This is me in 2021. I took this photo on a walk through a Colorado State Park.